Birth Photography can be a funny thing. You have this big, monumental event that you are supposed to photograph, but you don’t get to know when it is going to go down. You don’t know if you are going to be called to work during the beautiful daylight or in the darkness of the night. You don’t know if you will be there for 24 hours or if the baby will be born just as you run in the door, or worse, while you are running in from the parking lot. After 30+ births, I feel like I have developed quite the gut instinct and for little mavericks birth it told me that this one was going to come very quickly. I went to the hospital as soon as mama told me that she was headed in (she had been laboring at home). Maverick make his appearance within a few short minutes much to his mothers surprise, and lucky for me, during some beautiful daylight. Thank you “gut instinct” for getting me there in time to capture his beautiful birth!
I wish I had done this!