Click here to book **sold out** Modesto Ca photographer specializing in Maternity, birth, newborn and lifestyle family sessions.
Once again I felt so grateful to be allowed to document a cesarean birth story. Each birth is special and emotional and one of my most common hesitations while booking a birth is “what if I end up with a c-section. My answer is that all births are special and beautifully documented and cesareans are...
These pictures are amazing! I would love to win for me or for my sister in law; were expecting at the same time!
Emily Shores is amazing and sooo patient especially with the lil ones .. I would highly recommend her for all pictures!
love your pictures there beautiful, I have interned and commented 🙂
These pictures are all amazing! I have already purchased a picture package but would love to win in order to gift my pregnant sister with one!
I love your newborn photos and would love to win a session!
Entered! ❤️
Would love to win this!
After 2 boys I finally get my girl..Would love you to do newborn pictures!!
Entered! I’m ready for round 2!!!
Your pictures are so gorgeous! I would love to win this and have you capture some newborn moments with my little lady coming in April.
We are expecting our first baby. We were actually pregnanct at Meghan’s wedding! We would LOVE to win!
Entered! Such gorgeous photos!!
I would love to win the newborn session!!
I am expecting my baby girl any day and would love to have her pics taken by someone with as much talent as you! Thank you
Oops! This is what you meant…I accidently sent an email. Hope to hear from you anyways!!
Entered! Your work is ahhhhmazing!
Entering! Love to.win for.my baby boy due next month.
i am due in may and would love to have my baby boys pics done professionally
Would love to win my first session with you!
entered…….beautiful pictures…
I entered! Pick me! Pick me!! Seriously though, you are a true talent, Emily!
Im expecting at the end of June and this package would be awesome to receive!
I’ve been stalking your pictures for quite awhile and you’re amazing! I never got newborn photis of my 2 boys and now I’m due any day with my last chikd(first girl) and would be so blessed to win this
I’d love to win the free photo shoot. I have 2 beautiful girls one is only 6 month old and the other is 6yrs old and we have had no pictures done yet as a family. I’d love for those to be done by you.
Entered!!! Would love to give this to my cousin for her baby being born soon!!!
ENTERED !!! I would really love for my godchild to win. Her baby was born early weighing 1 lb. 6 oz. He is a fighter and now weighs 2 lbs. He just had heart surgery 2 weeks ago and is doing good. I might have posted to late however, if not a winner this time then maybe another time!! Baby will be in hospital til April just in case you have another drawing! Once again beautiful work! Thank You.